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They say Simon giveth,

and Simon taketh away...

but does he do meth?

'Cause if not, no way!


Sometimes Simon finds the good stuff,

and then 11 powerplays are not enough

to score a single goddamn goal,

and suddenly your team is in the hole.

Fighting 40 or 53, what change does it make?

Certainly none in how many majors players take!

You need your team to shoot more shots?

Boost your lines' defense, do it by lots!



that's what a better team often will get.

Let alone win a series, that you can forget!

You may wonder, to success what's the key...

The code you want to crack?

Simon you want to have your back?

All-time records you want to attack?

If you figure out how...let me know back!


Because I certainly have no clue.

I guess Simon sniffs some glue,

not Clue Glue, something harder,

or maybe it's a case for Scully and Mulder.


I'll guess we'll never know.

Thank you for reading this...I don't know what,

for now I have to go.

So please, Simon, stop being a twat.

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