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Logan Foley arrives in Seattle


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 "Umm honey I have some big news for you" Logan Foley nervously says to his wife Izumi.


 "What is it honey? I just woke up from a nap" his newly pregnant wife answers while she munches on a bag of chips


 "Well the Malmo Nighthawks GM just called me and we had a pretty big conversation and well...I was just traded to the Seattle Bears."


 "Wow really?!" Izumi says, surprised "damn, and we just got settled here in Malmo..."


 "Yeah I know, this will be difficult for both of us. However at the very least your pregnancy isn't too far along so it should not be that difficult right?"


 "Yeah I guess so" Izumi shrugs "I guess we should prepare to pack in order to head to Seattle, I think I may actually have a friend there we can hang out with" the moving process was luckily not as strenuous or stressful as it could have been, with the Seattle GM helping a lot with making both Logan and Izumi feel comfortable and obtain a nice house in a nice neighborhood in Seattle. Eventually, Logan and Izumi touch down in Seattle with their luggage, where the Seattle GM Bana was waiting.


 "Hey there Logan, hope the trip wasn't too tiring." Bana says as he greets them both


"Well we just both slept through most of it, so it was not that bad. I will admit, it is nice to be back in the good old USA. A part of me misses living in the States."


 "Yeah I bet. Anyways we will give you the grand tour of the city and the Seattle stadium later, I just think you two should go and get settled in your new home, alright?" Bana said as he led the two of them to a waiting car "we will have the introduction press conference in a few hours, I'll call you about it ok?"


 "Yeah I will make sure to be right at my phone don't worry" Logan says before he and Izumi were driven to thier new two story home. The house was nice and lovely, and it had a decent backyard and was a few miles away from town. "Huh, not a bad place honestly."


 "Yeah I can make this work, I've already put in applications to get into some kind of sports reporting here in Seattle." Izumi smiles "admittedly it could use a few more plants around the place to make things feel more alive."


 "Yeah I'd say that a few more plants would make it really feel like home" Logan says as he lets his dog Shadow out to explore the house. "Looks like Shadow likes it too!"


 "I just hope that we will still be successful moving forward, and getting used to a city that I have never lived in will take quite a bit of time."


 "Don't worry honey" Logan says as he hugs Izumi from behind "whatever happens next for us, just take heart in the fact that we will always go through it together. Me, you, Shadow, and our upcoming little one"


 "Of course honey" Izumi says as she kisses Logan "by the way, I heard that Silicon Valley is in Seattle, so I hope we can look around there"


 "I'm sure we can honey, I'm sure we can."

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