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Logan Foley Seattle press conference


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 "Hello everyone in Seattle!" The Seattle Bears GM Bana says as he addresses the crowd that are attending the introduction press conference for the Bears new player Logan Foley "I hope you all are well. We here in Seattle have been hard at work doing trades and free agency, and now we are happy to introduce our newly acquired player from the Malmo Nighthawks, Logan Foley!" Logan comes out and shakes Bana's hand before holding out his new Seattle Bears jersey. It admittedly felt a bit odd holding out a jersey with his name on it that isn't Malmo, but the feeling passed rather quickly as he sat down to talk to the crowd. 


 "Hello everyone, my name is Logan Foley" he says as he talks to the crowd "I am grateful to Bana for making the move from Malmo Sweden here to Seattle Washington as painless as possible. I am here to play my heart out here in Seattle and bring further glory to the Bears. I hope that as you learn more about me, you will learn that I am a hard working and tough as nails player that is ready to do what it takes to succeed. I was actually born in the USA in Long Island New York, so I am happy to be back home on the USA." He smiles at the crowd as everyone took pictures of the conference.

Edited by WildfireMicro
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