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An unexpected call from an unlikely caller

Daniel Janser

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Callum was digging a luau pit in his gramps' backyard when his phone rang. As he did not recognize the number he was tempted not to answer it, especially since it appeared to be a Chinese number. Finally he decided to pick it up. 'Janser', he said. The voice on the other side asked 'Do I have the honoul to speak with Callum Galy Jansel, defendel fol the Mississauga Hounds?' 'You have, mate but whatever you are selling, I ain't buying it.' He was about to hang up the phone when the other person said: 'No Mistel Jansel, you missundelstand. This is Bluce Campbell, GM of Team Asia in the WJC and we wanted to tell you that we nominated you to play fol oul team.' 'Cool,' said Callum, 'Wait, did you just say Team Asia? I thought I am only eligible for Team Canada and Team Europe.' 'Well due to some loopholes in the lules and financial backing of oul sponsols KFC, we could make it possible.' 'In that case I am yours to command. Send me the details and I will be there asap.' After discussing all the necessary details Cal-Gary thought to himself: 'I never thought I would dress for Asia on an international level.'


Disclaimer: the author was not using the 'l for r' trope to mock/ridicule Asians or people with Asian background. It was simply used as an artificial mean to convey an Asian accent.

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