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Depreciation sucks


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Depreciation Sucks 


Okay so I will admit I am not saying anything new here. Anyone who has been around long enough knows that when you hit a certain point you must contend with depreciation, and there is no simpler way of putting it than depreciation sucks. As a first-generation player I am having to deal with it this offseason for the first time. 


Lucky for me, my General Manager was on my case for about a season and a half to make sure I banked enough TPE to offset the impact of depreciation. He has also been on my case to save my salary to buy depreciation fighters for my last 2 seasons. From what I am being told, as much as depreciation sucks the first year you experience it. It sucks even more in future years, or do I am told. 


This year I lost 160 TPE to depreciation. 160 hard earned TPE gone in an instance. 


I am going to say it again for emphasis, Depreciation sucks. Whoever decided that the annual rate of degradation for a player needs to be so high, they are wrong. Yes, I do not think the concept is wrong in its existence but wrong in the execution. players need to stop growing significantly each year at some point but to be forces to save all TPE for 3+ seasons just to not diminish in capacity seems like a little much. It works out that for half your VHL career you are doing point tasks to get better and for the other half you are doing point tasks to not get worse. 


Depreciation sucks 

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17 minutes ago, JCarson said:

Depreciation Sucks 


Okay so I will admit I am not saying anything new here. Anyone who has been around long enough knows that when you hit a certain point you must contend with depreciation, and there is no simpler way of putting it than depreciation sucks. As a first-generation player I am having to deal with it this offseason for the first time. 


Lucky for me, my General Manager was on my case for about a season and a half to make sure I banked enough TPE to offset the impact of depreciation. He has also been on my case to save my salary to buy depreciation fighters for my last 2 seasons

In other words: for once Jacob could play Boss and tell his old man what to do 😉.

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