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Axle in the E


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Well we are off to the races in the E. Being drafted by the Iron Eagles, a team that has a great GM and a shit ton of players. This season might not have been the best timing to go into the E with the deletion of two teams and a draft that was much bigger and deeper than expected. That leaves teams with an unlimited amount of players with a finite space to pack them all in. I will say that the GM is doing a good job of balancing players. Winning looks like the something everyone is striving for. There are several players new to the E on the team alongside the ones that stay down and enjoy a career in the E. The builds are similar to the M builds. Simple two skill builds that work great at such a low level. I can see why staying down if you don't want to earn much each week can still be fun to do. Axle has a more traditional build and will dump his banked tpe into when the time comes to move up to Moscow, the team I was drafted by. I am hoping to not have such a poor rookie season as my previous players have had by not going through the E. I am hoping it will give me a season to have a build that will fit in right away and just go from there. That was my thinking at least when I decided to try the E. I feel it was the right call and I should be a better player in the big league because of that choice.


Good luck to everyone.


Word count: 280

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