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A yes, the flopper again and me writing about him. He's just too amazing to be drafted 39th. I mean he's active, hard working and got totally slept on by the other teams. He is just so good and strong and amazing and from an unknown place only starting at 13 but still managing to be vhl eligible he's just amazing like that. Today, we are gonna review his life and show how God damnn FISTED ANALLY BY A CIRCUS MONKEY he got. He got real FISTED ANALLY BY A CIRCUS MONKEY and deserved better. But for him, it's good because he got put in an amazing team, the Houston Bulls.


So Isaac Mclflopper was born in Grande Prairie on March 29th, 2005. Isaac was a strong kid in school and always was known as the leader of the class. He was in a french school called École Nouvelle Frontière. He was so good that he won so many trophies for academic, sports and everything. Mclflopper was also a class clown and made a few teachers quit, but we love him anyway! For the first 8 years of his life Isaac was playing soccer for timbits and a professional team called koora, until, Strike! He had summoned crazy anxiety into his brain and had to stop playing. He even missed 1/4 of two school years. 


That was until he turned 11 or 12. At 13, his friend from the school got him into hockey. The Wembley Wildcats was the name of the team. Man he just loved it. His first year he turned into the best player on the team winning most improved and mvp. He was so happy that he wanted to play again. But at a bigger level. For u15 only his second year he made the AA team for the gp storms or gpec(however you want to call it). The next year he made AAA and on and on.


Wow isn't he just great. For the first year of the vhlm Isaac got put into the Halifax 21st. He loved it. The team supported him and it was an awesome experience. Although he didn't get any points. He worked and worked on the offseason for a better place on the draft but, it just wasn't happening. Mclflopper got picked 39th. WHAT. After all that work. He wasn't happy and he knew he had to prove himself. The start of the year was pretty slow but it got good and great and amazing. He's averaging two points a game now and he's just having a great time. Talk about a sleeper, hidden gem for the bulls. 


I'm sure Houston is happy to get this kid because he is immaculate. One of best sleepers. Will he continue? I guess we won't know but I'm sure he knows that he's gonna play great. Anyway, I think this kid got FISTED ANALLY BY A CIRCUS MONKEY and deserved better. But he's happy to be a bull and ready to kick some butt."It doesn't matter when you get picked, the only thing that matters is how you play and work. Mi wi si yuh(bye in Jamaican)!

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