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Eagles skips practice


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Henry Eagles has not been seen at the Malmo Practice for the last few days but rumor is this is an approved absence. We caught up with Henry Eagles to get his take on what is going on.


"I just asked the team to take a few days off from practice in order to get my head right" Henry said "I haven't been playing very well since I joined Malmo and I think it's because I am in my head to much on trying to do to much, I decided to take a few days off just to clear my head and get back on the right track"

Malmo will be needing Henry to be at his best over the last 20 games in order to secure at least a wildcard spot. Anything outside of a wildcard would be deemed as a disappointing season for a team that was expected to go far this season.

"The skill will always be there but the hardest thing for a player is the mental aspect, if you're in your head too much you will always miss the easy opportunities" Henry continued " I need to get back into form and I think this will help myself and the team long term."

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