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The Ice Cream Machine Works!


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Gotta review this one!  First off the title made both myself and Subject laugh quite a bit!  I've been scoured far too many times by the ice cream machine at Micky D's.  As for the graphic, awesome job!  I really like the background cutouts you do and this one is solid as usual.  The actual McFlurry integration as well is probably the most tasteful integration of one of these meme players gimmick I've seen so far!  Malmo has vibrant colors and you've matched the intensity really well and the inclusion of the blue into the gradient on the text really helps break up what could have ended up just being too much green.  Logo swap is good and the VHL collar logo is always appreciated.  Small details are the best!  Overall I'd say a 10/10!  Nothing is truly perfect but you nailed your concept and I don't know what I would change!

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good day! To begin with, I would never have thought that the poisonous green color could not irritate, but on the contrary like it. The player can be seen clearly and distinctly, the surname is a little unclear, but this is purely my personal opinion, because there are people who like such inscriptions. But, everything is clear, everything is divided and everything is clear, and especially the beautiful background) McDonald's is something with something) it's not clear what it's all about, but everything seems to be combined in the concept) 10/10 and there can be no other way)

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