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The Agony of Defeat


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I had a feeling something like this was going to happen. The best team doesn't win the cup, the team that works the hardest does. Something was off about the energy of the squad. I could feel it. I tried to encourage the team to fight even as things got bad. Still the results were embarrassing gentleman sweep. A final bitter insult by this league for the crime of tying to be good in it. This has been an absolutely maddening two years of my life and I am glad it is finally over. I can watch the rest of the playoffs on the Isle of Speed with Mom and chill for a little while. After the playoffs, I am going to do some business stuff that requires my in person presents and participate in the offseason events that I am allowed to. After that it is oft to Calgary to prepare for my VHL debut. I do have multiple regrets about how things turned out but the time to look back is over. Time to look forward to a long and wonderful VHL career.


Shubham Anand on loosing in the S90 VHLE playoff


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