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Mississauga Hounds win the cup, Kadachi celebrates!!


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The curse is over for the Hounds, they have slayed the dragon, and whatever other metaphors you wanna use for conquering your demons. The Miami Marauders were the biggest pain for the Hounds loosing to them in the finals three times before however this time around the story would finally be different, in a series that was back and fourth and with Miami being up 3-2 at one point it seemed like they were gonna win it but the Hounds said no to loosing to the Miami franchise for a fourth time in the finals. The Marauders were a loaded team with 7 of the top 9 scorers coming from that team, the other two were Ironhide of the Hounds and White Jr. of the Marlins. Kadachi was stuck playing hard minutes and only ended up with 8 points but the GM said the role Kadachi was playing was very important. For Toby after celebrating with his teammates he's heading home to celebrate with family. We wish him and everyone else the best and the next step now is looking forward towards the draft.


Fun fact, each of my players (Hextall, Ori and now Kadachi) have gone to finals in the M, Hextall and Ori with the Storm in S70 and S79 and now Kadachi with the Hounds in S90. Is that rare? To have your first three players all go to finals in the M? And it's not like they spend 3 plus seasons in there, they've only been there for at most a season and a half.


(word count 258)

Edited by ROOKIE745
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