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Meditations on the End of James Teekirque's Time in David

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Wherefore David?

When our blades knew the ice 

And our sticks knew the puck

When our meme were lit af

And our posts shit


Wherefore David?

Where our city in mountains 

And our locker room in Discord

Where our sticks were on the ice

And our checks were from the hip


Wherefore David?

When our games were won

And our rings were worn

When our trophy hoisted


Gone, like the trodden paths beneath freshly fallen snow 



Where have the skates gone?

Where are my teammates?

Where is the general manager?

Where are the benches to bear us?

The joy of the locker room to bring us together?

No more, bright goal light

All gone, the padded goaltender

Lost for good, the meme of David


I met a hockey player from a neutral country,

Who said—“One vast and empty rink of ice

Stands in the mountains. . . . Near it, 

In the snow,

Half sunk a tattered jerseylies, whose logo,

And faded purple, weep of old comrades,

Tell that its designer well those passions read

Which yet survive, memed on these lost servers,

The glove that caught them, and the stick that deked;

And on the barngate, these words appear:

My name is James Teekirque, Wing of Wings;

Look on my goals, ye defensemen, and despair!

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