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Weird things in the Dragons weekly meeting...

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Alright, so to begin I just want to make sure that, if anyone asks you did not hear this from me, alright?


Well, since I cannot read your mind I will just trust that you said yes, anyways onto one of the weird things within the Dragons' weekly meeting, at least that I heard... I hope that I heard it correctly because if I didn't, oh well.


So, I was having a couple of drinks with the team and I heard something spicy!


One of the players that plays for the D.C. Dragons wears a pyjamas under their team clothes, can you imagine that?


Playing with pyjamas under your... like that is so bold yet it sounds so comfortable, I mean the idea of just being ready to fall asleep like that directly after every match does not sound so bad, maybe I should try it... Oh wait you did not hear that!


Huh?  Do you want to know something else?


Well apparently Someone said that they put pineapple on their ice cream!  Can you imagine doing something so horrible to an innocent poor little ice cream... wait...  Was it pizza?  I cannot seem to remember it very well...


Well off with you, before someone realises what I am telling you!



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