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Top 3 Anti-American Sentiment in Moscow


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Top 3 Anti-American Sentiment in Moscow



Since being traded to Moscow, there has been some severe anti-American sentiment and we need to talk about it as a community.


1. Vladimir Putin - Pretty much enough said here. When I first moved to Moscow he told me he was going to nuke my family and friends if I didn't perform well. He explicitly said this was because I'm American, and if I was Russian I'd get a free pass.


2. Moscow Fans - Upon entering the stadium for the first time I was greeted to cheers of "Death to America" and "kill the infidel". Luckily Moscow's arena security has kept me pretty safe. Now that I've scored a few goals, those cheers have seemed to calm down.


3. Russian VHL Refs - During games I tend to get called for penalties much more than some of the Russian-born players. If the game is played in Russia, I'm probably going to be in the box for most of it. Personally, I find this very not cool. I've reported this to the VHL Commissioners multiple times only for him to ignore me.

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