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My Two Year mark at VHL


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The day before Thanksgiving I was absent mindedly clicking through the VHL forum when I saw that November 22, 2021 was my join date on VHL.  I was like “holy shit” I have been in this league for two years!   


Now this made me realize a couple things.  First, I still don’t know shit but know just enough to earn each week to make my player valuable to my club.  Second, it takes forever to get through a career.  I never realized how much time passed in my 9 seasons with Brian Payne as there is mostly something going on that I look forward to (offseason is not one).  


It is a bit surreal to be a part of this group for as long as I have when others have been here much longer.  I am still enjoying my time here and am hoping I can make Ninefingers’s career just as memorable as my first player. 

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