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The Good, Bad and Fugly


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The final game was played and of course the Moscow Menace finished near the very bottom of the league, as expected. Rebuilds are not all that fun really but the reward comes with sticking with it and seeing of all the new players and plans work as intended. I have my concerns going into next season with the influx of players but I am sure the GM will handle the playtime properly. We do have a much brighter future, I am not sure how we are all going to play together but I will cross that bridge when I get there.


Looking back at the five years I have been in the league. I can say it has changed a lot. I am on my fourth player and am happy Gunner is following the same path as Merrick, Torq and LeGrande did. Work hard, fight for ice time and do your best. I had some really good times with all my players. Seattle was a team that really set the standard for me. Malmo hands down was the most active and for sure the most fun with the roster we had. Even though I had concerns of the experience level Kaleeb had, that was put to bed fairly fast once I got to know him more and his thought process. I will remember that team and the players we had. Moscow is got to be the most organized locker room I have been in. Kudos to Spartan for setting up things in there the way they are. Unfortunately that doesn't mean it's the most active with the players but tons of alumni are very active.


Gunner won Rookie of the Year. I thought he had a good shot at it to be honest. It was up to the team to set him up in the position he was made for, and Spartan did, reluctantly. I am not sure of Gunner's future at this point. I am going to go into the next season with high expectations and will work hard to meet the bar I have set. I am sure of one thing. Gunner is in control of his own future.


Word count: 361

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