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It is time for S91 Brett Slobodzian Trophy Voting


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I have to admit that there are some strong nominations this year. Two strong forward candidates and two strong goalies. The interesting thing is that on the surface there is minimal difference between the candidates in each group.


On the forward side of things we have Leandro Goncalves and Scotty Sundin.  Both ended the season with 112 points. The minor differences between goals and assists may result in someone choosing one way or the other but I am just going to accept that a 112 point season is impressive. But is it impressive enough to choose one of these two for this trophy.


On the other side you have a battle between Jesse Teno and Joel Castle.  Teno posting an impressive 0.937 GAA and 2.02 Sv% with 6 SO, Castle with an equally impressive 0.938 GAA and 2.06Sv% with 3 SO. Both of there are impressive seasons but are they strong enough to oust the offensive players for the award.


So how am I going to make my decision.  Now some of you will probably point out that Teno is a teammate of mine and yes that will have some impact but I am a fairly analytical individual so want to ensure i can justify my decision.  So the first thing I did was go back and look at the season 90 winner.


For those of you who don't know the Season 90 winner is Lachlan Summers who posted a 0.938GAA, 2.06Sv% and 7 SO. Lachlan beat out Todd Cooke who had a tremendous 118 points on the season.  So my first conclusion is that a goalie having a stat line of that nature deserve the award above a 118 point achiever than  the 2 goalies that have almost identical stat lines to last years winner deserve the award over 2 players with 112 point.


Sorry Leandro and Scotty but you have been eliminated from my consideration, however congratulations on tremendous seasons.


Now down to our 2 remaining players, Teno takes Sv% and SO, while Castle takes GAA, the only clear difference is in SO where Teno has 6 to Castles' 3.  In the end I think that difference is enough to separate Teno as the winner but to anyone who chooses Castle I can also understand that decision as it is a very close race.


All players should be proud of their season as they had significant accomplishments but in the end I am voting Teno.



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