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Trimiskez Artav gets drafted


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In anticipation of the VHLM draft, Trimiskez Artav's heart pounded in his chest like a war drum. The first round had ended, leaving him in a state of nervousness as team after team made their selections in the second round. With each passing pick, he wondered if he would drop to the third round. The Houston Bulls were up, and his destiny hung in the balance. Then, the words that would change his life reverberated through the arena: "The Houston Bulls select, Trimiskez Artav, right winger." A wave of happiness made him feel unstoppable as he embraced his family, sharing a moment of joy. With so much determination, he made his way to the stage to collect his new jersey. It looked so great. He would make sure that jersey won a championship. Artav knew that this was just the beginning of his journey. The road ahead would be demanding a ton of dedication. From that day forward, Trimiskez Artav dedicated himself to the pursuit of hockey greatness.

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