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Early season struggles or a sign of more to come.

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The VHLM season is now 6 games old and we've seen some stellar perfomances and maybe some players would like to forget. Today we're analyzing the start of Annie Oaks career in Saskatoon in 6 games played the 5'10, 175 pound right winger has 3 goals and 3 helpers for 6 points. At a glance this looks good but then you see her +/- which is a -8 and begin to think there might be a problem here. But talking to her teammates they think it's just been a bad break to start the year. I'm inclined to believe them, She currently leads the team in shots at 33 and is the leading forward in blocked shots with 12 the next closest forward being at 4. It's clear to see that she is leaving it all on the ice and is dedicated to continue improvement so we believe it is only a matter of time before she has a big breakout stretch. I would be willing to bet on that stretch coming sooner rather than later and i'm sure her teammates and coaches are hoping it comes soon too.
This has been Sammy Samsquanch for Saskatoon Sports Monthly.

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