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Gul Dukat Under Investigation!

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Breaking news coming out of Miami tonight.

An anonymous source has come forward claiming that Gul Dukut has been paying off league referees.  The defenseman coming from the future world of Cardassia who was stranded here on Earth has made it well-known his dislike towards Humans.  He is a hypocritical narcissist who believes Humans are inferior.  The sources say they have seen him with league referees on multiple occasions after games exchanging items.  They were unable to get a close enough look but it looked like they were trading a small, green-looking item.  We can only speculate that could be cash.  When we reached out to Dukat for comment he responded with.


"What I do in my personal time after the game is no concern of yours."

He refused to elaborate any further.  The Miami Mauraders have been on a tear to start the season and are currently in second place behind the Philadelphia Reapers by five points.  At one point Miami had a big league in the division but since has been falling in the standings.  That is when sources say Dukat has gotten involved in trying to rig the games to get Miami back on top.  As this is a breaking story we are still gathering more information as things unfold.  We will be sure to let you know of any new details that unfold in the coming days.


Edited by MSouthworth
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