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Claimed:Into The Wild [6/6 Final]


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Into The Wild

Recently acquired forward Max MacInnis will be thrust into the midst of the VHLM playoffs.




Max MacInnis’ name is only a week old in the VHLM, and he has yet to play a single game, but the spotlight is nonetheless swaying over him as he prepares to get his first taste of the VHLM…In the form of the playoffs. The ruthless American winger was quickly picked up off of waivers, despite his lack of experience, by the #1 seeded Saskatoon Wild, who are currently waiting for the first round of the playoffs to finish before they meet their first opponent. In the meantime, they are getting MacInnis spun up and hoping he can live up to his reputation.


MacInnis will most likely see limited minutes, used to provide rest for the team’s workhorses, but based off of what we know about Max so far, he will attack his role with a vengeance and seek to earn more playing time. It won’t be easy, he has two major things going against him: He’s a new guy on a team that has already meshed together in-route to a 57-10-5 record, and he’s a rookie.  So Max has his work cut out for him to become “one of the guys”.  Everyone has heard of the stories and legends of hazing, and while there has been no official reports of Saskatoon that such behavior exists, we would have to be incredibly ignorant to believe “new guys” get treated the same, it’s just not how the world of professional sports works.  The only caveat to that would be since it’s the playoffs, they are focusing more on winning a championship.


We were unable to get a hold of Max during the last three days, as he refused to answer any questions while he focused on getting sped up on the Wild’s tactics and techniques, but after today’s practice we caught him leaving the arena and asked him how things were going in the dawn of his era in the VHLM and Saskatoon. ”It’s going  well, the guys here are great and have really been pro-active in teaching me their plays and how things work in Saskatoon. I know I won’t get much ice-time, this team has been through thick and thin together and they don’t even know me, but I know that if given the chance, I won’t disappoint; I have the skill and talent to make a difference…and I’ve already got a playoff beard.”


MacInnis is joining a squad which has three players that eclipsed the 100 point mark this season, namely Jarome Iginla who poured in 120. So it won’t be as if he’s coming in and expected to produce, he’ll be, as I mentioned earlier, mostly used to eat up minutes for players like Iginla to take a breather.  But if the opportunity does arise to snap a shot on net, MacInnis says he will be ready: ”I’ve been putting a lot of work into my shooting, so that if they do call upon me, or someone goes down, or I get a chance to unload a shot, I can put it in the net and do my part. Bottom line is I’m going to do everything I can help to these guys win the championship.”


A major question for any player stepping up to a new level of hockey is whether he is conditioned for the increase in speed and strength that he will face, and coming into the league for the playoffs? Well, that holds extra true. “Mad Max” seemed pretty confident he was ready: ”Conditioning wise I feel great, the OHL wasn’t a kids game and while these guys are definitely a step above, I don’t think I am behind them when it comes to my endurance.  I understand the questions and concerns, but I’ll be just fine, I’m winner, and winners find ways to achieve their goals.”


He left after that, stating he had to “go drink a protein shake”.  The potential is high for MacInnis, and when he steps on the ice, even if it’s in a limited role, people will be watching.  This will be a great opportunity for MacInnis to get a head start on the upcoming VHLM draft, giving scouts a taste of what he can do at this level, and knowing him, I doubt he will waste it.


Words: 745

Edited by Merica
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