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Rip is Calling out names!


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Rip is Calling out names!


Another quick one for the boys (and girls) in the wrangler room. Rip is still a point per game guy, and he’s making a positive impact for the wrangler nation. 


I still want Rip to bring the wood and bring a physical presence to the club. I’ll keep adding some body check TPE, but I need my player to be a dude that smashes and crushes for the boys in the room (and girls). 


I’m happy that Rip is bringing the points and solid plus/minus for the club. Love that and am happy that Rips found his way a bit and is contributing. 



Lastly, let’s talk about my soon to be arch nemesis…the 9 fingered man, the missing ginger himself…Logan Ninefingers….you can’t hide in Europe forever brotherrrrr!!! 


You’re a solid (more than) point per game guy….but your hits and pims are a bit light…once you make it to the show…Ol Rip will have some smoke for yah….and trust me young buck…you don’t want the smoke…keep your head up and your chin tucked…once you graduate to the big time, it’s no mercy on your 9 finger candy ass! 


Wranglers! Mount up! Time to Riiiiide! 

Edited by ScottyP
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31 minutes ago, ScottyP said:

.you can’t had in Europe forever brotherrrrr!!! 

You can HAD?????????? learn some English before talking shit...  Its ON when Ninefingers gets to the show..  So be patient and wait for your ass beating Lady Bing

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