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Because I missed a trivia question, I am forced to write another one of these cute little articles. This time around, I’m going to discuss money. When a player gets to a certain point in their career, they’re basically sitting on a mountain of cash, holding onto it until they can dump it all into regression stuff. On occasion you’ll see some TPE purchases, but the majority of the time, it’s going into making your player not suck as much in the later stages of their career. Now, what if there was another way to spend money? A change I actually like about the new NHL games is the ability to use your money to buy amenities and services, which provide varying boosts, both seasonal and career. Like, what if my player decides to blow their contract money on a private ice rink, and now I have a permanent 2 level boost on skating? It's something that the highhp-ups could really have fun with design-wise and give more of a reason to purchase things from the player shop during a career, rather than at the end of it.

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I brought this up in BoG last year (other leagues have an "equipment" system that works like this) and while it didn't get tanked, it had mixed reviews and the thread died out after a while. Some of the reasons against are that it's difficult to balance cost with effectiveness (especially with hybrid attributes) and that, if properly balanced, the effects aren't much different from the existing system anyway since you don't want the new one to be way better or worse.


I do think there's something to be said about having more options and it isn't necessarily a bad idea. It would just be hard to draw up a new system that shows a real improvement beyond simply more stuff existing, and I suppose it would be even harder to convince people that the work should be done to make it happen.

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