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Lattimer's Thoughts on the season


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Well damn, it's been quite a ride the past number of months for Steve Lattimer. I've had a chance to reflect on my latest series of experiences in the VHL and thought I'd share so that no one can read this but I can earn.


  • It was a rough and bumpy process transitioning from my last team to Toronto. The previous GM was frankly just not good to me, and despite his rash of excuses and insults, at the end of the day he acknowledged that he dropped the ball. It didn't make things any easier for me but at least he acknowledged that the experience wasn't a positive one and was gracious enough to fulfill my request to get traded, which i greatly appreciated, so water under the bridge as far as I'm concerned.
  •  That experience led me to being connected to Toronto, and admittedly it's been a really really positive experience. Why? The reasons are many.
  • Animal - he's been a heck of a communicator with me to help me earn and support my team. Granted it's not the level of Jansen, because he set the bar so high that I don't think anyone could meet it, but I think if you were to ask animal, he'd tell you that the partnership and relationship has worked.
  • I've been more excited to contribute to a team than perhaps at any other time in my VHL journey. I now check the games every single day to see what our results are (the discord bot helps), and see how we've done, how Lattimer has done, etc.
  • I now even check the Legion locker room because there's active dialogue about our results and where we are in the standings, what's coming up on the schedule, etc. I really care about what's going on and feel like Steve Lattimer is part of something. I want this team to win and I want Lattimer to help them do that.
  • Even going into the playoffs, I have a better grip of where we are and who we need to leapfrog in order to better situate ourselves. Once upon a time I wouldn't even have a clue if we were currently in the middle of the season or out of season or nearing any sort of deadline, playoffs, etc. 
  • I'm basically much more 'active' even if I overall don't earn as much as I once did (again this is really just Jansen having been so ungodly effective in making/helping me earn, including doing trivia every single week.


All in all I'm very excited to be a part of Toronto, and while I have no idea what Lattimer's future is with the franchise, I can say confidently that it's been a great experience and one I'm grateful to have had.


Moving forward, I'll be continuing to earn and staying active with animal and being in the discord (case in point, I normally don't even really look at the discord locker rooms of other teams). Here's to hoping Toronto can make a run this season! Excited.

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