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NHL star compared to VHL Legend


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If a player in the VHL were to be a real life player in the NHL, there is one particular NHL player who can be mirrored to a specific VHL player.  Both players are particularly gritty, hard-working, tenacious, and dedicated to the game of hockey.  Granted, there could be several NHL players who this particular VHL player could be associated with; however, after several minutes of reviewing players and their history, along with statistics, physical attributes and psychological attributes, I kept coming back to one player specifically.  The next few paragraphs are going to describe the players in particular, and then at the end, and only at the end will the names be revealed.  The reason for revealing so late in the article is because if it was known in the first paragraph, someone would stop reading!


The VHL player in mind is a solid defenseman.  He’s on his second player and it appears that his second player is going to be just as good as his first player.  The retired defenseman was inducted in the VHL Hall of Fame; he was a beast, he won several awards, and he thrived on teamwork and allegiance.  This player is active in his team locker rooms, has a devotion to the game of hockey, and really enjoys being involved in the VHL.


His new player is finishing up the VHLE, and has demonstrated his desire to continue to be a top defender and contribute as his first player did.  Statistically speaking, the quality of play by each VHL player is closely matched.  Defending his team with a good number of hits, blocking shots, and sticking up for his teammates come to mind; but the one that sticks out is penalty minutes.  The sin bin is a favored seat for this VHL player.  Now, I could add Xbox as a similarity to how he plays, but thats another time.


With 1684 penalty minutes over eight seasons in the VHL, not including playoff penalty minutes, it is clear that the referees zero in and look for an excuse to send the player into the box.  Included in these amazing statistics is 2064 hits from this retired player.  The punishment is obvious and the impact is a moment of revelation.  And as the 2nd gen player continues to impress, we’re sure to see these statistics continue to rise in a satisfying progression.


Now, the NHL player who mirrors the style and play of the VHL player…. First off, this NHL player is not a defenseman.  He is actually much more disciplined than the VHLer.  He recently played his 1000th game and has over 900 points.  Like the VHLer, this NHL player is a lefty, although he has all ten of his fingers.  This player is a target to opponents; he is feared, and revered, just like his specular in the VHL.  Committed to his team and never slowing down, this NHL player is a local hero to his team.


OK, time to divulge the players so that the shit talking can begin…. Yes, @Scurvyy, I’m talking about you and your players.  Brian Payne and Logan Ninefingers possess the same quality of play, demonstrate an equal commitment, and have a genuine love for the game of hockey as this Boston Bruin hero, Brad Marchand!!!


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2 hours ago, Thunder said:

Brad Marchand!!!

Oh SHIT!!   You compared my players to that rat faced weasel.   It’s ON!!   😂😂.  


glad your back!!! @Thunder   Can’t wait for you to get to the show 

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