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Best Sammich Ever.


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Okranitz woke up Saturday morning after a mean night of drinking. He was pretty damn hungry, he was confident that if someone provided him with a live cow, he would slaughter, butcher and eat it right there on the spot. He went downstairs to his kitchen and looked in his fridge. To the untrained eye, he had nothing, but to an expert eater such as himself he had a gold mine. First was the bread. Why use 2 slices, when you can use half a loaf. Half of that half gets toasted. Next was the contents. First up, fried balogna, no sandwich is complete without balogna. Next up was some lettuce from the leftover sub he had in his fridge, cause nothing beats subway lettuce. Up one shelf was a hamburger from a couple nights ago, so you know that made it onto the stack. Then he remembered, its breakfast! So he fried up an egg and 6 strips of bacon and place them ontop of the burger patty. He opened up his cupboard and grabbed some pringles, and threw them on the next layer. What was wrong with him? why was he this hungry? It's like he didn't have a stomach so he was unable to be full. He looked down. HOLY SHIT HE DOESNT HAVE A STOMACH, he put his fist through his gut and looked at it on the other side. "Well, that's weird" Then he woke up. Fedir has some messed up dreams

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It's like he didn't have a stomach so he was unable to be full. He looked down. HOLY SHIT HE DOESNT HAVE A STOMACH, he put his fist through his gut and looked at it on the other side. "Well, that's weird" Then he woke up. Fedir has some messed up dreams



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