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What I'm hoping for this season

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I needed another subject to talk about for a article so figured why not talk about what I hope Kadachi is able to do this season. As a quick recap Toby Kadachi record 13 points in his Rookie season, six goals and seven assists, keep in mind he came straight from the M and joined a rebuilding Seattle Bears team. Kadachi had 91 shots on net and gave 165 hits to the opposing team. In his sophomore season he jumped up by 30 points and had his first 20 goal season, 20 on the dot and 23 assists for 43 points. Keep in mind this was a Seattle team that hit rock bottom in season 92, Kadachi was one of the few bright spots on the team for it's future. His shots on net went way up to 259 and his hits went up to 289. So with that said when am I hoping for the five stats I've talked about? For goals I hoping he can break 30 this season but I'd accept hitting 25 as passable. What makes this a little hard is Kadachi got lots of ice time last season as he was one of the better players on the team so I'm not if his ice time may be taken back a notch or two with more players on the team. His assists so far have slight been ahead of his goals so I think he will have about 30-35 assists by the end of the season, and that should put him in the 50 to 60 point range. Of course I'd love for him to make another 30 point jump but I don't think that's as likely. Finally for shots and hits..... a little harder to guess on these ones but I'll say he should pass 300 for both, I'll say around 325 shots and 350 hits. Can't wait to look back on this at the end of the season be terribly wrong!!


(word count 328)

Edited by ROOKIE745
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