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C.G.Y. Janser is flying home.

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After the military service, the World Cup and a sweep defeat with the Birmingham Dragons against the Winnipeg Royals, his dad's team in the ProAm, Callum is heading home. He wonders whether Rin is already back in NYC. Well, he did not have to wait long, for that question to be answered. As soon as he landed at JFK and switched his phone back on he got a text from his roomie. 'Landing at JFK, 1230hrs. Can you pick me up?'. The Swiss immediately went to the next car rental and got a car for the day, as he had only 30 minutes left, until the 'Nagasaki Nightingale' landed. So he threw his belongings into the boot, texted the Japanese defender that he will pick her up and got back to the arrival terminal to do so. It took quite some time until the minuscule back showed up and Janser immediately understood what the issue was. 'Beast' left New York with one piece of carry-on and one medium sized checking luggage. She arrived in the Big Apple with two extra duffel bags, which looked pretty heavy. Callum relieved Rin from the luggage, carrying as if it weighed nothing.

'Did you buy a samurai kit while you were in Japan?'.

'No, most of it are the Manga's you have asked for. And then some clothing my family insisted I take with me. I could at least talk them out of cooking for me for the next few weeks. They still think there is no decent food in the US.'

'They do not know about Myoko-san's Japanese Restaurant in Soho then?'

'They think I invented him so they do not worry about my well being.'

'You should bring them over once. So I can meet them. You told me so much about your family, I would really like to get to know them in person.'

'Funny you should say that. My dad mentioned that him and mother would come over during the coming season.'

'Wow, that is awesome. It is their first time in the US, innit?'

'Yes, it is. But still some time till then.'

While talking the 'Beauty and the Beast' have arrived at the car, and CGY dropped the luggage in the boot, while Rin sat on the passenger seat.

And so Cal drove Rin and himself home to Mulberry Street to their appartement. 

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