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Final season, final sig

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I really like the use of colour and texture in this graphic. The very busy ice texture as a border is a nice contrast to the less textured inner picture. The use of black transitioning to almost white then to the blues of the jersey really leads the viewer's eye towards the players. I like how you decided to use red for the name instead of blue. This adds another layer of contrast that makes everything very readable. Amazing job!



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  • 3 months later...


Not a bad looking graphic. One of the first I have seen using the Greenland flag for the background. Your render looks clean with no ragged edges, good to see. The logo swap looks like it fits the moment, so that is a huge plus. I am not a fan of the font you used but that is always subjective. It gets the job done and is well placed. I think the background, with all it's grit/noise, overpowers the render by a mile. I'm not saying it is the wrong design choice, I just think a blurred background with more detail in the render would be a better approach. Overall, very well done.


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