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CGY Janser unplugged

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After an eventful off-season, Callum arrives unusually late in the NYA locker room. When he enters the holy halls, some of the players look at him and than start snickering, others try to avoid eye contact. Surely something's afoot. The Calgary native plays it cool however and readies himself for practice. Only when his mates would not stop behaving odd, he says: 'Okay lads, what is it? Do I still have shaving foam on my face?'. 36xW than replies: 'Nah, but you should not have danced tha Can-Can in celebration of your clan's second place in the Highland Games. Someone took a video of your performance and posted it online.' 

The Swiss Alternate Captain immediately realized what the grinning was all about. 'Ah c'mon. We share a locker room for the third season now. There should be no surprises for you lot anymore.'

It was at this moment, when GM Vince Wong entered the locker room with the very court demand: 'Janser, in my office. Now.'

'Oh shit.' Callum exclaimed and followed his boss suit.

'You wanted to talk to me, Sir?'

'Indeed, I do. The league officials approached me about a video, showing indecent behaviour from your side. I take it you know what I am talking about?'

Yessir, I was just shown it before you asked me to report in your office.'

'So please explain to me how this came to pass.'

'It was after an important sports event for my clan back in Scotland. There were no minors present and I was a bit tippsy after several hours of celebrations. In Scotland this is not considered indecent behaviour, otherwise half of the population would be in prison. There was no ill will in that celebratory dance from my side. Well, except to rub in to the McLeods, of course.'

'Well, the league demanded disciplinary actions from our organisation.'

'Really? For something harmless done on a different continent with an ocean in between?'

'Callum, I share your opinion. However, the league will need to get their pound of meat.'

'Well, I did act irresponsible so I will accept any discliplinary action you see fit, Sir.'

'Consider yourself strictly reprimanded by our organisation then. Dismissed.'

'Yessir, thank you, Sir.'



(not Callum dancing the Can-Can)






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