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Mississauga Hounds Weekly Press Conference

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1. Sadly, yes. But I did see some positives for sure. I think the lack of an actual roster was very apparent in those games.

2. Yea, I am really shocked to be honest. While I like seeing us doing well as individuals, I would love it more if we were getting more victories.

3. I actually prefer both. I think they provide different insights and I like to see the approach the people take to displaying their player's talents.

4. As I am a Forward, yea, let me deke them out of their skates!

5. I never really followed hockey until I found these leagues. I do have one tho that didnt happen to me. Back in high school (the early 80s) a friend of mine went to a hockey game in Ft Wayne. While he was there the puck flew over the plastic wall and hit him in the top of the head. I guess it knocked him out and he was taken to the ER. They stitched his head up and sent him home with a concussion. He came back to school a couple of days later with a huge patch of hair missing from the front of his head and like 10 stitches in it. No one wanted to laugh at him, but yea, he looked funny.

6. Since I dont watch it, lets go with Edmonton for something different!

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Posted (edited)

1 - Pretty much, but I'm optimistic that a line shuffle will help

2 - honestly no. I have high expectations. But again, the line shuffling will help.

3 - creative is fun and usually what I do. Stats can be interesting. I just don't care for the complaining ones.

4 - I think the hit, because the timing on that and the mental geometry that goes into it, is really impressive.

5 - Been a fan since I was super young. Remember listening to a game on the radio with my dad when he was driving me somewhere or other when I was maybe 4. Today would have been his birthday, ironically enough.

6 - Florida's too strong and too deep for Edmonton to overcome. Though it would be cool to have a Canadian champ, it ain't happening.

Edited by der meister
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  • 2 weeks later...

1) definitely goals for my player

2) have more depth on defense. We give up a ton on the power play

3) smack 'em around a bit

4) no idea, but not us 

5) my player? Anything. Me? Chess.

6) Malamutes for the alliteration 

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1. Whichever helps us win!! I like to see both tbh, it shows we are scoring, which we need to do more of.

2. I think it is a catch-22 with the team we have right now. With so few active players on the roster, we could go with more defensive strats to keep the forwards closer to the net, but then that would decrease our chances to score. I think the best option would be to recruit more defenders

3. This is a tough one because no one likes empty rhetoric. Those rah-rah speeches work in the short-term, if they work at all. At this point I would focus in on checking in on everyone. The worst thing we could do is start withdrawing and fighting the battle in our own heads as well as on the ice.

4. I think Halifax. Their goal difference of 81 shows that they can not only score, but protect the net as well.

5. At this point in my life, with all of the injuries I have sustained...channel surfing. Is that a sport? If not, it should be...

6. Gotta agree with Shevchenko, the Malamutes...

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1) whatever is better at the moment of the play. A goal is a goal. Idc who scores it, as long as our teams number goes up


2) we gotta get control of the puck and close up their shooting lane


3) lead by example and show them how hungry i am. I’m here to win. I couldnt care less if i have 0 tangible stats. I care about the effort and end result.


4) biased answer of course, but i truly believe we can make a run if we can clean up our d.


5) baseball. Im actually training for it right now


6) Bulldogs

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1. My fondest memory in the M is my first season with Houston because as im sure anyone on that team will tell you the atmosphere was incredible.

2. I will welcome them with open arms as the GM and be ready to answer any questions they may have.

3. I'm not sure what could be done to bridge the gap because even though there is one I don't know how to go about that while keeping everything balanced so that'd have to be a question for the greens.

4. I'd prefer a level headed coach because I feel that is better for running a smooth operation but the coach definitely needs to get loud and speak up for his team when need be, so a mix of both with a heavy lean to calm.

5. I'd like to see the next VHL team represent the city of Hamilton.

6. As the GM my game day routine is to sit in the press box and look stressed, pissed off, or excited depending on whats going on in case the cameras pan to me in the press box.

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3 hours ago, Nathan_8 said:

1. My fondest memory in the M is my first season with Houston because as im sure anyone on that team will tell you the atmosphere was incredible.

Me too, what an incredible season that was…. Still hurts that we didn’t win 😢, but the LR and team chemistry was something amazing…

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1) thats a good question. I think the success I had with Casey Jones.

2) Pizza party, obviously 

3) I've wondered that too. It makes for a boring season, honestly. Wish I had an answer.

4) Definitely the level headed 

5) Buffalo and either Vienna or Dublin

6) Eat well, sleep well, score well. Lots of visualization meditation 

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1. As i havent been in the VHLM for too long, my best memory is probably when i created my first character in this leauge.

2. We would make the new player feel welcome by winning every game.

3. I think its normal for the top teams to be way better than the bottom, so i dont think anything needs to be fixed.

4. Oh, a hot headed coach 100%. The adrenaline you can have while having that type of a coach.

5. I think Liepaja, Latvia. As its a great city, and close to home.

6. Yes, i have gone in to a routine before games. In warmups i try to look intimidating to the other team so they get scared, and also so people make edits of me

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1. I think the excitement of creating the player and going thru the 1st draft. Since I signed as a waiver pick, I havent gotten to experience the draft yet, but I am looking forward to it!

2. I think just reach out and try to engage with them. The toughest thing about joining a set team is trying to find your place...so I would do what I could to tell them that we will allow them to have the experience they want to.

3. To be honest, I think it would need to be a full re-allocation of the players to balance the teams out. Then have a system where waiver players are added to a team and not allowed to select where they go. Most people want to join successful teams. If that team happens to have a solid set of draft picks as well, then they just continue to reload...while everyone else is trying to rebuild...

4. Can I have a mix? I think someone who is too involved in the planning and not engaging the players can lead to a disconnect between management and the players. But a passionate firebrand can turn off the team because not everyone wins every game.

5. Bath, England!! Why not????

6. Start the day out with a good ole English fry-up...spend some time listening to some music, Ozzy and AC/DC of course...and focusing on the upcoming game.

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1. The team is stronger now than it was for sure. With where we are I don't see us even coming close to missing the playoffs so I don't think a push is even needed.

2. We're pretty much stuck in the seventh seed. It would take a miracle to gain or lose a spot. Just winning as much as we can and carrying that momentum is enough.

3. Just getting myself to the bare minimum all around. Once I get where I want to be I can specialize.

4. It's pretty simple. TPE earning rates and if they can be reliable to keep earning after the draft.

5. Maybe introducing a bot that asks a pretty simple question each day. Would get a conversation going and would be easy to respond to.

6. #22, There's no real significance other than that's the number I've been using for so many years at this points its basically mine now

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1 - Stronger for sure. I've seen Leung's name pop up a number of times in the scoresheet already.

2- Every game. We've dug ourselves too deep of a hole

3 - Everything he does needs improvement. 

4 - Activity and a promising build.

5 - Hard to say. I'm an on-site locker room kind of guy, which I know is just not the thing anymore.

6 - 47. It's my favorite number. I don't know why.

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1. Yeah, adding these players was great. They are contributing already. We can help by welcoming them
2. I dont rank games, every single one is as important.
3. I would work on offense and contributing points.
4. I think mostly TPE and activity so far
5. Just talking a lot and maybe getting to know eachother more
6. #70, i used to wear 7, but 70 is my idols number so i switched it up

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1. Great to see the additions! Looks like things are definitely trending upwards!

2. I think all of them are. I know it wont impact our seeding, but I think the success will show that the lines and strats are our best fit

3. I guess I need to decide am I going to be a scorer, or a set-up player. I dont think this balanced mind set will be sustainable

4. I think it is a combination of things, team need, the number of players in each position, what kind of earner the person is. I dont think there is a 1 answer for all situation for this

5. I think the opportunity to discuss things...not only about the team, but how things are going with the season and stuff

6. 22. Yes. I am a vet and I try to help raise awareness of veteran suicide. There are an average of 22 vets a day who take their own lives, so I wear 22 to remind people that 22 a day is 22 too many.

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Posted (edited)

1) Huge. Having depth scoring has completely changed our team. 

2) Honestly expected more, but hard to complain too much 

3) It's gonna be a bloodbath 

4) I have no complaints on your performance. I got weekly messages from you and you never missed a week of pressers.

5) Train hard to dominate next season

6) Cookies and cream in a bowl. Cones are too messy

Edited by der meister
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1. We are very hot at the moment. We should be able to win the series with how we've been playing.

2. Not really too sure. Since I'm joining late I don't really know the team fully yet

3. We will win the first round and maybe the second but winning it all will be near impossible

4. Only been here for a week and it's been good :)

5. Get drafted and win a cup next season while being the top goalie

6. Cookie dough is elite. Cones are great but just a nice bowl of ice cream is the easiest and most convenient

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1. I dont know really, it could go either way, but i know that the boys will give it all
2. Fantastic. Nothing else i can comment
3. It will be tough.
4. I havent been here for long, but i feel comfortable here so yeah youre doing great
5. Just to keep working
6. Back home really popular is chocolate ice cream, but i dont really like it that much, i always choose vanilla.

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1. Massive boost. We are trending upwards like a rocket. Hopefully that will carry over to the playoffs

2. I think we did good...but who knows...we could have done even better

3. Anything is possible...but I think a 2nd round exit is realistic

4. I think you have done great. No suggestions on how it could have gone better

5. Continuing to improve. As the saying goes....practice, practice, practice....

6. Yes! Oh, it wasnt a yes or no question? Ah hell, I will still stick with Yes...love all kinds of ice cream, on a cone or in a bowl.

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