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Fantasy Rambling


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Another week for my TPE package and yes I am doing it on my phone again.


Recently I was hired as FZ Manager and recently-er we completed Week 1 of VHL Fantasy Zone. 100 people responded (total responses: 103, believe 3 people made two forms)! I’m not sure what numbers have been in the past but this is now a goal I would like to set for myself, to reach 100 submissions each week. Currently 70 have responded to week 2 which is still great. Everyone who makes a form makes the spreadsheet even more cooler with a whole bunch of data to go through. 

I really enjoyed making a quick and easy leaderboard to follow throughout the season as well. That’s something I wished we would’ve had so I felt like it was needed. Seeing how well you do each week, seeing if you missed weeks, it’s all good numbers to have. 

Questions and Pick ‘Em are also super easy to create and plan out. I was waiting on Cow for late night sims on Sunday to finish but after that it only took me a few hours to make Week 2’s form and also Week 1’s payout spreadsheet. The simmers are consistent in how many games they sim so it makes it easy to plan a week out. Doing this job and learning more about sheets is fun. I feel like my inner child nerd is finally coming out again. I used to make fantasy standings and stuff growing up in my free time. It’s hard to explain but I had a lot of free time, pencil and paper, and NHL06 on my xbox.

Edited by AJW
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