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Three takeaways from London's hot start

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Merome Dilson @MexicanCow123 is showing doubters what's good. The biggest question mark about the S94 United was always going to be the goaltending. After soon-to-be Hall of Fame goaltender Jesse Teno @aimkin announced their retirement, many fans forecasted the end of London's Cup window. Even after Merome Dilson, a former Aidan Shaw and Scottv Campbell winner, joined the United, there were doubters. With .93 SV% in his first 19 games in blue&red, it's safe to say he's been doing his best to change their mind.


Leonard Triller @Triller is taking the spotlight for himself. You'd have a hard time finding a more underappreciated player than London's captain, arguably the best playmaker in today's VHL. He's built his career on doing what true leaders and exceptional players do - making players around him better. Even when it meant to be in someone else's shadow, he's always put his team before him. But in the seasons he actually led the team in scorint, he didn't get much attention when it comes to leaguewide recognition. However, this year, he's putting the United offense on his shoulders and is showing everyone he truly is one of the league's best.


Sjin @Sjin is a two-way beast. Someone should contact the Merriam-Webster people, they need to put Sjin's name next to "late bloomer". Joining the league in S91 after 5 full seasons in the M and a season in the E, Sjin really broke out in S93 with 41 goals and 92 points. So far this season however, he's been taking his game to completely different level. On top of team-leading 16 goals, he's also recorded 22 shot blocks in as many games to go along with 60 hits. Any GM would trade their immediate family for a 2C like Sjin.

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