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Why its a good idea to eat hockey pucks

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Why its a good idea to eat hockey pucks


You might be thinking, "why would twists write this article its ridiculous?" and you'd be completely correct. However, I will succinctly describe why eating hockey pucks is a great idea. Modern day hockey pucks are made out of vulcanized rubber. We know natural rubber is a non-toxic material, so it is completely safe to eat. Vulcanized rubber just means it has been heated and cooled to harden the rubber itself. They even cook the rubber for you before you eat it! A hockey puck will also provide you with 154 to 168 grams of sustenance. That's basically as much as a small steak! You can't digest rubber, but it will make you feel very full, and really that's all we need our food to do. Some natural rubbers can even have fiber in them! Look at that! Hockey pucks are a confirmed good source of fiber for your body! It is without doubt that eating hockey pucks is a good idea, so when will you try your first?

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With us not being able to digest it, it's highly effective as a substitute for a diet pill, as all we need to do is take vitamins and eat pucks, and we'll never be hungry again

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