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The Man Behind the Curtain


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Damn, this is the hardest 150-word article I have tried to write. I have plenty of content, but the nature of it should be kept behind closed doors. So, I will look back a bit at some of the fun times with a couple of my previous players and how my experience was back in the day.


I started with Guy LeGrande, a defenseman. I got into the league and didn't have a clue what I was doing. Thanks to one member, he helped me understand what I needed to do. There were several members that were all in with how to develop a player and I always had somebody motivating me to be the best I could be. Back then, the goal was to earn and get out of the M and into the big league. Something that has changed due to the skill restructure. It was a fun time and my first player had more good times than bad ones. I made friends and pissed off a couple of people along the way but at least I didn't change my approach to earning and expecting to be rewarded for my efforts. Ya, your first player is one to remember.



Word count: 202

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