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Preface to Monstrosity || S94 Uncapped TPE Package 5/5

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So I wrote a fever dream monstrosity this week, and I’ll be honest most of this article is to get you to read it. Part of it was inspired by the last couple of seasons of BOG discussions, none of which have ended in a particularly conclusive answer or implementation. Part of it was inspired by debates with father Carson. Part of it was inspired by a nice, simple Theme Week. Most of it was inspired by my recent prescription of stimulants. It’s a good read, with lots of good ideas, horrible ideas, and numbers to pick apart. It’s something that has been brewing in my head for a long time, since I was a JST GM that first time, all the way until now, my current status as a VHL GM and BOG member. I have stolen almost all of these ideas, from Spartan and Gustav, Beketov, and Alex among others, and they’ve all got really great minds for this stuff. Hope you take a chance to read it, and at the very least, let it make you think about the systems we have, and how we can improve them.



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