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Moscow Menace is too good to win games

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Moscow Menace won six games in a row and then Moscow Menace lost five games in a row. Many fans of the team have labeled the trend as "unnatural"; how can someone be hot one minute and then something else moments later? In a world where the suits can out of a whim alter the settings and rules of the game to make it more likely for bad teams to score and win games, it indeed seems unlikely that a team like Moscow Menace would out of the blue turn bad and forget how to win games, it just does not seem right, it does not feel right.


The most likely reason behind the 5-game losing streak is simple - Moscow Menace is too good to win games in the modern VHL. The rules of the game do not appear to fit a good team like Moscow Menace. Furthermore, Moscow Menace is so good that the team does not have any luck on their side, which often is the case when analyzing a good team. It is worth pointing out that many bad teams appear to be doing well this season in VHL due to having luck on their side, which further goes to show Moscow Menace indeed is too good to win games and the team does not have luck on their side.



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