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SDM Not Looking So Hot

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SDM Not Looking So Hot


It's been a rough few days for San Diego. After gaining a bunch of steam trading for @Ricer13's player, Spider Panda, and recruiting some good first gens, they have ended up on a 3 game losing streak. This bodes poorly for the Marlins as they were hoping to gain some steam going into the playoffs. The Marlins have had a rather tough schedule the past few games (with the exception of Ottawa who is apparently SDM's kryptonite), however that is no excuse. If the Marlins aim to go far in their playoff run, they need to be able to beat teams like Miami, Mexico City, and Houston. Maybe a change in lines is necessary, or some brief experimentation before the playoffs begin. We'll have to see what @Mysterious_Fish has in store. @Grape has been shit talking him mercilessly, so we have to hope he's got some type of strategy. Hopefully something better than losing more games. ;) 

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