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It's Sunday, I'm away and on my phone, but the grind doesn't stop, I need my 2 TPE this week.


What is there to discuss? Well for one, we're in the wildcard round. Vancouver, who I predicted to win, have come back to the series up against NY ahead of the Game 5 decider. Moscow, who I predicted to lose, dispatched Warsaw in 4. I was banking on Summers going on a run of a lifetime to close off his career but alas, it wasn't enough. The Predators were heavily outshot in each game and I wonder what their plan is now having gone all in these 2 seasons. It was an admirable effort and honestly I think while you're always up against it when you try to contend off the back of a rebuild that went off the rails, it's still a better look for a franchise to have a proper go at it as it makes them less of a laughing stock. Part of New Yorks problem for a few seasons was they clicked reset so often it looked like they were in a perennial rebuild / playoff drought and that does drain morale. Selling the farm is never as bad as it seems at the time- draft picks often don't land the way you think they might.


Is that enough words? The updater who checks this, could you ping me in the next 12 hours or so if its not.


Just to be safe, let's add a few words on my rookie season. It was Ok. Part of the reason I would have preferred to go 1st overall in S93, other than for my ego and the fact that's never actually happened for me, is I knew Davos would be a better place to have a good rookie season due to rebuilding and having fewer players. I was right - Bucatini nearly doubled Del Rocco's output in points. But in the grand scheme of things, a 34 point handicap isn't insurmountable over a career and it is good to be on a genuine contender. I'm happy we've avoided 1st place as there's just something off about facing a wildcard team, they always seem to have momentum. Quietly confident is the mood at the moment.

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