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Ahsoka's Post Draft Reaction


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After having been drafted 5th overall in the VHL draft by the Helsinki Titans, Ahsoka Tano gave a brief interview stating that she was excited about being drafted and that she was grateful to Helsinki. While obviously happy, she appeared to have an air of apprehension and nervousness before excusing herself from the press conference room at the draft.




As she walked through the hallways of the draft building, Ahsoka Tano wrung her hands in front of her once she was alone. She checked various doors as she walked the halls, trying to find one that was both unlocked and unused. It was hard to find one given that this was an off-season stadium. The only people at this time of year who would frequent any rooms were the janitors and cleaning crew. After a few failed doorknob attempts, she finally found one that was dark and unlocked. After a quick peak around the room, she realized it was full of old equipment that either was simply in storage or was bound for the dump. 




She slipped inside and quietly closed and locked the door behind her. Despite the near pitch black of the room, she had little problem seeing enough to get through. She made her way to the back of the room where there was an old desk and chair, and she took a seat. Ahsoka sighed as she leaned back, eyes closed as she took in the day she had just had. It wasn’t the top 3 that people had been speculating but 5th overall wasn’t anything to turn a nose up at either. It meant that she had not only proven herself a good enough player, but seemingly one of the best up and coming. 


It was exactly what they needed…


After a few moments of silence with her own thoughts, Ahsoka sat back up, took a deep breath, and pulled a disk communicator from her leather jacket pocket. It was a little dinged up and hadn’t been used in a long time, but it still worked. Thankfully. She blew what little dust remained on it before pressing the activation button. It only went to one person, but she didn’t know if they would answer.


Time passed as the disk sat on the desk and she willed it to light up with the hologram of her friend and mentor. She knew it was a long distance for the signal to travel; further than she had probably ever asked of it. So, while the wait made her uneasy, she had half expected it.


An hour or so passed and her eyes had fully adjusted to the darkness of the room. She had closed her eyes a while ago and began to meditate. In times like this, it helped keep her calm despite the nerves quickly building inside of her. She thought about home, her friends, family, mentors, and her life prior to coming to Earth.


As those thoughts began to turn to her current worries, a very quiet beep sounded from the communicator. Ahsoka’s eyes shot open and a robed figure of blue holographic light was there to greet her.




524 words for week ending 8/4/2024

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