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Eagles enjoying his break


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Fans have noticed that Roger Eagles has been on the bench the last few games as the backup goalie, LAS G2, takes over for the new few games. No need to worry as this is league mandate to have the teams backup play a minimum of 8 games per season.


"It's actually good to be on the bench and observe the play of some of these teams from a different perspective, will help me learn and memorize certain players methods on how they play and shoot. Much better to see it live then on video" Roger said " LAS has also been playing pretty well to be honest. He even got a shutout a few nights ago. That guy definitely has some skill"


While he is not starting any games for the next couple of weeks, Rogers training has been pushed into overdrive. He is the first on the ice in training and last off as he continues to improve and get better for the end of the season and future seasons for Los Angeles. 


" You always have to be training and working hard even if you're not playing any games. You can't rest and take time off or you will eventually start to drop off. That's not who I am" Roger continued " Every extra moment I can spent training and getting better, that's what I will do. My goal is to become the best in the league and to do that you have to put in the work. It doesn't come easy or naturally. You can be gifted but still without training you will not be the best"


Lately Roger has been working on his speed and agility which was seen as a weak spot in his last few games. 


" It is something that I have noticed and has been pointed out to me and it is something I am addressing with training. I am hoping by my next start you will see a lot of improvement in those areas" Roger said " The coaches here have been great and I appreciate all the feedback. My side to side movement is much quicker now which will help me down the line. I have let in too many soft goals going from post to post and I can't keep having that."

With the season starting to wind down and Los Angeles set to miss the playoffs, Roger described his off-season plans.


"Most guys will take the time off, maybe go golfing but for me the work doesn't stop. I will be flying back to Poland and training in our families practice facility there" Roger stated " I will be reviewing video from the season, working out the kinks in my play and start working towards my next season goals. I expect our team to be much more competitive next season and maybe even challenging for that playoff spot. I am looking forward to the rest of this season to see what we can do but also already starting to look forward to what we can work to accomplish next season"

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