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My sig broke :c


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Okay, let's start by saying that the sig is the perfect size. Nice choice of render and great work on the color swap of the jersey. LOVE that font, holy heck is it perfect for the name Johnny Tsunami. I also like the background choice, and where you placed the render, and font. It all looks sweet! My only criticism is the logo on the jersey, you could use the perspective tool to shape it more to his body. When I do that with logos I focus on the shoulders and hips of the render. I am by no means an expert, still learning, but it's something I have started to do. Great work! 8.9/10

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4 hours ago, Tate said:

you could use the perspective tool to shape it more to his body

Great point with this, I might go back and just tinker more with it to make it less 'floaty'. Thank you!

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