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An Ode to Some One

der meister

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Forgive me for the modified Smashing Pumpkins reference in the title. Marshall Frostbeard's career as a VHL General Manager is over. At least for now - never say never, right? I alluded to this in the past but Frostbeard has been a tremendous leader; now that I've played for him with a second player, there's no doubt in my mind. He's also a very chill dude, who I'm looking forward to getting to know better whenever we end up scheduling the first of our hopefully many podcasts. I think in a lot of ways he's in a similar place as I am: stretched too thin but still striving to be the best he can be. It's a tough thing to maintain, and I know I'm teetering on snapping outright, and I hope he's doing better than I am.


I feel a certain level of guilt that I wasn't able to do more, either with Sakamoto or Shevchenko, to get Frostbeard a league title. Sometimes it just doesn't work out, as we're all aware, but this is a guy who deserves to go out a champion.


Still, I raise my glass - or in this case, my mug of cinnamon horchata stress-relief tea - in his honor. To Frostbeard, for his dedication to the VHL, to the D.C. Dragons, and to being a damn fine human being. Cheers, my friend.



Edited by der meister
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Aww, @der meister you are a solid dude. Awesome individual. Have been my pleasure to be your GM!

Also, it is quite interesting that you say GM Marshall Frostbeard. I always have gone with John Frostbeard (After my first player) however I always liked Marshall James Frostbeard the most. 

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30 minutes ago, FrostBeard said:

Aww, @der meister you are a solid dude. Awesome individual. Have been my pleasure to be your GM!

Also, it is quite interesting that you say GM Marshall Frostbeard. I always have gone with John Frostbeard (After my first player) however I always liked Marshall James Frostbeard the most. 


Oh, I always associate Marshall with you. Noted!

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