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Well, here it is, another week and next to no desire to record a Mad Villain episode. I think it might be dead now but perhaps I’ll continue to linger around here a little longer. I really don’t care too much that the VHLE has ended, only for the fact that I will never be drafted by a VHLE team. Which is kind of interesting considering there have multiple chances to do so in the past.


I’ve been spending a lot of my free time writing my own stuff, and feel more comfortable in that role. I think sim leagues as a whole are dying for me as I feel the same way about the SHL. Not trying to mention them but just don’t have the desire as I used to. I find the effort it takes to create weekly PT’s not worth it. I don’t really care about my player or how well he does, I do want Vegas to win in the VHLM but just so I can be a good teammate. Should I just hit the retire button and go inactive permanently? Perhaps one of these weeks I will.

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Sounds like The Villain has seeded himself into your brain and is preventing you from exposing the devious things Villain has in mind and he’s keeping you from recording him and presenting his twisted mind to the vhl.  If youre gonna quit leagues, quit all the other shit you have and get back on track with villain podcasts.  I’m running out of shit to write about and i need stuff to keep maxing tpe.    Step up!!!!

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