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The Villain is at it again


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There is no doubt that will be plenty of discussion about the VHLE going away, and of course, since it is the hot topic, I might as well have a discussion with this as well.  However, I am going to be on topic of what really happened to the VHL, and I think you might be surprised of the results of the investigation, even though I am not all that surprised.  I saw this coming and there is someone sitting in a deep dark cave right now laughing in a slow hoarse voice.


The process of the investigation started weeks ago when I first learned about a conspiracy involving a twisted, dangerous, person, who hides in a dark web of mischief and deviousness.  This was revealed in an inconspicuous podcast blending in with other point tasks and would have been overlooked by me, had I not taken a break from hanging out with @Smarch, as his wingman, helping him find hookers.  The podcast involved a mastermind who had just created his best work yet and he could not keep the news to himself any longer as he proudly discussed the invention with a side kick, who at the time appeared to be nothing but a misunderstood squeaky little creature who goes by Pinky.  Typical to this monster’s inventions, the boasting and antagonizing began.


The Villain exposed himself in this early podcast and @Tate warned us of what might be coming.  I have to be honest though, I did not expect The Villain to ruin the VHLE.  I thought that The Villain would be doing some manipulation with his new invention of a player who would mischievously overcome all limitations of the STHS and Simon and every team would be envious of the Mad Villain, who would capture all awards from now until the end of his lustrous career.


As the weeks progressed and The Villain used deception and magical wizardry, to invade the Vancouver locker room and steal the mascot, The Villain could not help himself but announce this in additional podcasts.  But, behind the podcasts, The Villain was obviously at work implementing a process to of putting the VHLE behind us.  He clearly used his dark powers to sway all minds and decisions to be in order to force the board of governors to make the decision to dismantle the VHLE.


It could be my fault that The Villain went underground and did not provide any clues about his true intentions, after I exposed his motives of kidnapping the Wolves mascot, and for that I must apologize.  It seems that as soon as The Villain realized that if he announced his intentions, I would intercept him every step of the way; as an example when I discovered he was making a super stick for Manny Ceson.  I should have known The Villain was into something deeper and darker.  It came about too easily and now that the VHLE is officially over, Manny Ceson and Mad Villain will remain in Las Vegas for the foreseeable future and harass the other VHLM teams.


Now that The Villain has destroyed the VHLE, I challenge him to announce his next mission and all future missions to give me a chance to stop him in his steps.  Does The Villain have any more podcasts in him?


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