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Injustice is the real iceberg


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The finest of foods being eaten by people dressed in stylish clothing, sophisticated and charming conversations between scholars,  beautiful and calming music fills the air, at this moment everything seems possible, the future is full of opportunities and great adventures, but then all of a sudden everything stops, someone screams: "What the fuck - we are going to hit an iceberg!". Only a couple hours later Titanic was at the bottom of the ocean. A similar story can be told about Moscow Menace.  The organization was admired by the whole league, every move and step Moscow Menace made was carefully analyzed and copied by countless rival organizations. Everybody wanted to be Moscow Menace, everybody wanted to be in Moscow Menace.  


Just like the journey of the Titanic, the journey of Moscow came to a shocking end. Moscow Menace dominated the regular season by being the first team to reach 50 wins. Moscow finished the regular season with the most points. The best players in the league all played in Moscow. Before the playoffs started everybody expected Moscow Menace to reach the finals and win the cup. Behind the scenes players in other teams were desperately looking for loopholes in the rules, so they could be traded to Moscow just before playoffs started.  The teams in Europe were excited about having the luxury of facing Moscow Menace. Over in North America teams were going to battle to see who would be the lucky one to lose in the finals to Moscow. All this was written in the stars. Moscow Menace was supposed to be unsinkable, an unstoppable force. But then something happened, the plates dropped to the floor, silk pants were wet, and instead of witty remarks and humorous takes - yelling and swearing were heard everywhere, the music stopped, Davos won all 4 games with the score 3-2. Moscow Menace was beaten, Moscow Menace never made it where Moscow Menace was supposed to go.


With Moscow Menace sank a lot of glory and goodness. We can talk about the beauty of the playoffs and how at the core of the playoffs is the unpredictability, "playoffs are a different game", but I think I speak for everybody in VHL when I say: I don't believe in VHL as much as I did in the past. Moscow Menace was supposed to win the championship, we were all going to celebrate together, we were all going to do our best to be a little better next year, we were all going to do our best to be like Moscow Menace. Perhaps for everybody in VHL, the iceberg is the injustice we are all feeling now. Through the fall of Moscow Menace, we are reminded about the realities of life, no matter how great you are, no matter how much everybody admires you, eventually you will sink. One day the enjoyable conversations are over, you don't get to eat the finest foods and wear the finest clothes, one day all you see and feel is cold and darkness. 

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