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S95 Champs


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Reviewing! Woah! Extremely well done! The font you chose for the 'S95 Continental Cup' title was literally perfect and the italics on it actually add that extra oomph. You also did a fantastic job of overlaying the 'champions' over the title. It's clean and well done. For the render, the head replacement with the red panda could NOT have been easy so kudos to you for pulling it off (also the ears through the mask are a great touch. The perspectives on the logos are solid and don't look forced on. The glow on the logos is tasteful as well and doesn't overpower the image. The only thing I could have seen changed would be having the render in the background maybe a bit more blurred and to maybe try and change the logo on the base of the cup. Legit gonna be using this one for inspiration on future graphics. Well done! 10/10

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Looking at this S95 Continental Cup Champions Banner I have to say that it is very well done. The first thing that popped into my eyes was the logo and the background of the team. I just love that nice and neat glowing effect around the team logo that makes it nicely blend with the background that has the player holding a cup on it on lower opacity. Continuing to inspect the banner I realised how well the jersey swap has done, especially the VHL logo on the collar. It actually feels like it's an actual jersey with such logo on it. Last but not least is the text on the top of the banner and I can appreciate that you have went for quite established style for these texts and I cannot blame you, because it just simply looks good. Overall, very nice banner!

Rating: 9/10

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