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E-tus Deletus


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It's a bit weird for me to think about, because I've had it on my VHL mind for years on end, but the E is deleted at long last and I'm happy.


There are things I'd want to change about it in a perfect world. I still don't like that the league now prefers the idea that a player will spend (at least) one extra season in the development league. I also don't like the idea that someone who earns enough to be able to make it up to the VHL straight away will be quite strongly discouraged from doing so by the way the depreciation system is set up. But I do like, for example, that all of that extra time is spent in the same league, that we're getting rid of one of the three drafts that players need to be confused by, and that we have to deal with one fewer league taking away from our hiring pool.


The E did things in its time, and not all of those things were bad. We really did need a strong response to a situation we were facing back in the day, but now that we really don't need that, I'm more than OK with getting rid of it. The league now has a much cleaner structure, that should still be resilient and hold up to recruitment drives, that is also able to maintain full M rosters at times when recruitment is limited. And this is something I'm very excited by. Naturally, a larger M community is a stronger one, and achieving that without flooding things in ways that make league sizes all messed up is something that I think is now possible.


Time will tell whether things are perfect--and, spoiler alert, they never are--but S96 will be great and I think we can make the M even greater in the seasons to come.

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4 hours ago, Gustav said:

There are things I'd want to change about it in a perfect world.

I would be concerned for your health if there weren’t.

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