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  • 3 weeks later...


You must have a template you use and just plug in different backgrounds and renders. They all look very good but the style is spot on the same. I wish I had that system. Text looks really good with the trademark folded paper look running through it. I like the effect and it has served you well. The chaotic background looks to fit the part and adds the texture needed to make this style work. The renders look fine, although I think the little one in the front looks too small for some reason. Overall, I like your work and can appreciate the system you use to pump these out.


I agree what steve said that you follow a specific style, not sure about a template, but to be fair I love it. I find it very good no matter what as it is high quality, yet again love the double render approach and the burned feeling of the signature. Obviously as always the jersey swap is on point, the colours withy the grunge effect look very solid and in general it's just a great style. Of course it is all subjective, but what looks great looks great. The text fits the whole style as well. Im a fan!


Rating: 9/10

P.S if you need someone to make signature for the next week, I can volunteer. Need a signature to enter VHL as rookie!

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