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BOOM BOOM BOOM, you never stop to impress me with your pieces and this one is not an exception. To be fair, this one is one of the best ones I've seen from you. It's almost like everything is spot on in this work of art. The manipulation with the player to make Tommy Shelby as a hockey player and of course the jersey swaps is just spot on. The main character is very, very well done, while the second player is done very good as well, but the head does look a little bit too big and doesn't merge with the body as good as the main Tommy, which kind of takes away from this piece being a full perfection. Nonetheless this is an art work and I love seeing these type of pieces. I feel like there should almost be exceptions for very high quality submissions, like this, to get more capped TPE than 6.

Rating: 9/10 

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On 3/3/2025 at 1:55 PM, Mr Bohannan said:

second player is done very good as well, but the head does look a little bit too big and doesn't merge with the body as good as the main Tommy, which kind


Yeah, I can't unsee it now. One of the sigs that only needed the main render tbh 

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